Dr.-Ing. Paris A. Fokaides
Personal Webpage
Research Projects
Research Project Implemented at
Frederick University and Frederick Research Center (22 projects) link
Euphyia Tech Ltd (3 projects) link
Kaunas University of Technology (1 project) link
Technical University of Berlin (1 project) link
University of Cyprus (3 projects) link
Kalrsruhe University of Technology (3 projects) link
On-going research projects
Researcher - ”EU-CONEXUS Enables - Promoting excellence through innovative eco-systems”.
02/2024 – 01/2029
Fact Sheet
Researcher - ”Earthquake Risk plAtform For european cities Cultural Heritage protection - ERA4CH”.
01/2023 – 12/2026
Researcher - ”EU-CONEXUS Plus - A significant step forward for the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability”.
11/2022 – 10/2026
Fact Sheet
Scientific and Technical Manager, Researcher - ”Smarter Energy Performance Certificates; Integrating smart readiness aspects into buildings energy certification and tools for market up-take - Smarter EPC”.
10/2023 – 09/2026
Fact Sheet
Researcher - ”Urban Planning for Social Resilience in Urban Neighbourhoods. Transformative Change through Civic Engagement (UpRun)”.
Erasmus + KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education
11/2023 – 04/2026
Fact Sheet
Researcher - ”A tailored and dynamic capacity building programme to transform local and regional authorities into autonomous early adopters of digitised, integrated, and ambitious Clean Energy Transition plans (StepWise)”.
09/2023 – 02/2026
Fact Sheet
Researcher - ”Innovative skateboard decks made from fully recycled advanced polymer material and a tailor-made
production process, ensuring circular economy compliance (CapsuleX)”.
01/2024 – 12/2025
Fact Sheet
Researcher - ”Improving and demonstrating the potential of SRI (easySRI)”.
"LIFE-2021-CET-SMARTREADY - LIFE Clean Energy Transition”.
10/2022 – 09/2025
Fact Sheet
Scientific and Technical Manager, Researcher - ”Smart Tools for Smart Buildings: Enhancing the intelligence of buildings in Europe - Smart Square”.
"LIFE-2021-CET-SMARTREADY - LIFE Clean Energy Transition”.
10/2022 – 09/2025
Fact Sheet
Coordinator - ”Boosting Research for a Smart and Carbon Neutral Built Environment with Digital Twins - SmartWins”.”Twinning - HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03”.
10/2022 – 09/2025
Fact Sheet
Scientific and Technical Manager - Researcher - ”Advanced Energy Performance Assessment towards Smart Living in Building and District Level (SmartLivingEPC)”.
07/2022 – 06/2025
Fact Sheet
Researcher - ”Development of Utilities Management Platform for the case of Quarantine and Lockdown (eUMaP)”.
01/2021 – 06/2025
Fact Sheet
Researcher - ”A novel decentralized edge-enabled PREsCriptivE and ProacTive framework for increased energy efficiency and well-being in residential buildings”. (PRECEPT)
Researcher-Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future (LC) Secure, clean and efficient energy LC-EEB-07-2020
11/2020 – 03/2024
Fact Sheet
Researcher - ”Youth Employment Network for Energy Sustainability in ISlands (Yenesis 2)”.
EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
08/2022 – 01/2024
Fact Sheet